On one of my frequent sightseeing tours around the Internet, I chanced upon another meaning of the word “needlepoint” of which I wasn’t previously aware. I’m referring to an ink writing instrument known as a “Needle Point Pen”. Here is a review of the Uni-Ball 207 Needle Point Pen by Sanford.
Any business that involves a word that is ambiguous, is harder to find using Google or one of the other search engines. For example, if you are looking for a product for your nails, your search will turn up the other type of nails as well. Not everyone is savvy enough to type in “fingernails” instead of just nails. Needless to say, it isn’t good for business.
Our industry up until now has been free from this particular ailment. Let’s hope Needle Point Pens don’t become wildly popular. Searchers have a hard enough time finding our websites already.
On the other hand, it’s a perfect gift for a needlepointer friend!