Last week a customer ordered needlepoint kits to stitch as gifts for the holidays. She caught me by surprise, but time is flying by, and this organized woman is preparing. I can’t entertain the thought of shopping for gifts yet, but if you want to give hand-made gifts for that special personal touch, you better get started. Here are some ideas that are easy, attractive, original, and inexpensive.

Matchbox Covers
For someone who “lights up your life,” or is a “perfect match,” these matchbox covers work up quickly. The results are so professional, they were even featured in Needlepoint Now magazine in the September 2012 issue. They are stitched using DMC perle cotton #3 on plastic (10 mesh) canvas and embellished with Preciosa Czech rhinestones.
They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, to fit different size matchboxes. The larger size fits the matchboxes sold in judaica stores that contain 45 elongated matches each. The Chanukah one has a menorah pattern on the large size, and a dreidel pattern for the small. size There is also both a large and small size in silver and greys for Shabbos and Pesach, featuring a candlesticks pattern. The kits contain all necessary supplies besides for the actual matches. See the photos for all of the varieties.
Please come back for more – I’ll be writing about needlepoint bookmarks and cala lily projects.

Where can I get the needlepoint matchbook cover designs?