One Stitch is a massive needlepoint project taken up by J. Argyl Plath. The actual adjective he uses is “preposterous”. It involves stitching up a 120×240 inch tapestry at 32 stitches per inch. This adds up to 18,526,240 stitches, according to his reckoning (although according to my own calculations, that should be closer to 30 million stitches, but why quibble). He is currently 0.03805% complete as of this posting. He estimates that it will likely take him the rest of his life to complete.
To finance this effort, he has put together a fundraising page on KickStarter.com, so that, in his words:
Your support helps me not only pay for the materials for each section, but also to afford to potentially scale back at work and have more time for the project.
The project has its own website at http://onestitchproject.com. Of course you’re all wondering how much the thread is likely to cost, but I don’t have the patience to do the math right now. If you would like to give it a try, he’s using DMC floss, and from the sound of it, he intends on using every color available. Please post your best estimate in the comment section!
J. Argyl Plath is also managing editor of the Dirty Napkin, a periodical featuring works of poetry and other writing.