Did you know that Erma Bombeck, the famous comedy author and columnist, loved to needlepoint? I still think about her book, If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, What am I Doing in the Pits? whenever I see cherry pits. She laughed, and we all laughed along with her. She knew what was important in life. She had her priorities straight. It’s no wonder needlepoint was her passion.
See this article in the Lakeland Ledger, February 12, 1974 by Erma Bombeck.
I actually ran into her years ago when making deliveries to a needlepoint shop on Marshall Way in Scottsdale…..nice lady.
I have a couple books too and I re-read them…one of my favorites is “Motherhood, the second oldest Profession.” I laughed and cried, saw myself and many of my friends in this book.