Sammi is one lucky girl. Her aunt, Ronna M., stitched a magnificent custom made pillow with her name on it. Her name is the essence of the design. Ronna knew Sammi loves purple. She emailed us with the details, and we sent her a custom proof via email. Once it was perfect, Ronna placed the order. I pulled threads in bold shades of purple with subtle colors complementing the design. Well, the pillow is back from the finisher, and take a look at it! Sammi must be thrilled!
A couple of months ago, I designed a name needlepoint for a newborn baby boy. Baby Gabriel was just three weeks old when his mom, Karin T., contacted us to custom design his name on canvas. I can’t wait to see a photo of it when it’s completed. Good Luck to Karin! I applaud her efforts and am impressed that she is taking time out for herself to stitch while taking care of her newborn.
I hope you are well. I am looking for some needlepoint pillows to retail on my Texas themed website. I have my own designs that I would want produced in different sizes. I have examples of the sizes I would like.
Can you give me an idea of if you could do this and pricing? The pillows would be 18×18 and 12×24 similar to these (these are not my designs but only for style examples and sizing). Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
Yvette Gonzales