Needlepoint Chairs at Blair House in Washington D.C.

The national president of the American Needlepoint Guild, Pat Rogers, is pitching in to help restore faded needlepoint chair upholstery at the Blair House, the president’s guest house. Among the home’s extensive furnishings is a wingback chair with needlepoint upholstery that originally was made by Teddy Roosevelt’s daughter-in-law. In time, the threads faded and became worn […]

Attention Engineers: Try Needlepoint

Yet more evidence of a strong correlation between math and needlepoint, as I have previously posted. In an article about the scarcity of females in the gaming development community, iPhone developer Quinn Dunki claims it is caused by peer pressure to conform to traditional female roles. Saith Dunki: “The only difference between me and my […]

New Belts at Tucker Blair

A dynamic duo of designers, Humberto Leon and Carol Lim, have teamed up with Tucker Blair, the needlepoint belt manufacturer extraordinaire. From the blog post at the New York Times: Aiming to have you in stitches this summer, Opening Ceremony releases its first collection of needlepoint belts with Tucker Blair, the Washington-based purveyor of the classic […]

We Were Hacked – Twice

I apologize to all our subscribers for the unfortunate hacking incidents that have taken place over the last month at this blog. In the first instance, my attackers gained access to my WordPress installation and defaced it with unpleasant anti-Israel propaganda and disturbing imagery. I was able to regain control by accessing the MySql database directly and […]

Today’s Riddle: What is the Most Noticeable Item in Byron Nelson’s Den?

If you guessed a needlepoint, well, duh. Byron Nelson was one of the world’s most famous professional golfers. Peggy Nelson, Byron’s widow, invited fellow golfers to their ranch to look around, and here is something they saw: The most noticeable item in the den hangs above the mantel. It’s a large needlepoint of the scorecard […]

Friends Sewn Together by Needlecraft

An inspiring article in the Charlotte Observer describes friendships that were started and nourished by the love of needlepoint: Needlecrafters are a tight-knit bunch. Travel to any embroidery club, like the Lake Norman Needlepoint Guild, where Archie and Helms first met, and you’ll find a strong bond among mostly women sharing threads, ideas and close friendships. […]